Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Who's up next, and the sonnet...! Yahoo

Hi Everyone,
Today was kind of a low energy day in the classroom. I'm just getting over a cold/flu that I had all weekend and it's raining again and I gave back your papers....so I'm sure that is a lot of it. I feel like we need to 'jazz up' our energy about these poems and talk more. The world is not divided up into "poetry people" or "non-poetry people." We are all people hoping to appreciate good writing.
We need to embrace what Robert Frost says about the poem:

Poetry is a way of taking life by the throat.
-Robert Frost

Listen to the sounds of the words and the language used and the arrangement of the lines and muster some wonder about the craft and talent it takes
To put a poem together.

For Thursday,please read the prescribed poems at left and make journal entries for each of them.

Also, read the sonnets section, pg 856 - 862.

1, Write journal notes on "Acquainted with the Night" in regards to its meaning and form
2, Choose one other sonnet to write about in your journal. Choose lines that you like and explain their meaning.

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Everyone is responsible for finding and reading each of these poems and making jounal entries for each one--reactions, good or bad, strong or indifferent, but say more. Come to class with questions for your peers.

October, 22, 2009
1, Walt Whitman, "Continuities" - Amanda Roberts
2, Walt Whitman, "Pioneers! Pioneers!" -- Tim Cayet
3, Edgar Allen POe, "The Tell Tale Heart" -Paula Mull
4, Edgar Allen Poe, "A Dream within a Dream" -- Emily Drexler

October 27, 2009
1, Frost, "Fire and Ice," --Andrew Walkley
2, Frost, "The Road Not Taken," -- Brian Knack
3, EMily Dickinson, "Tell all the Truth..." Alex Marshall
4, Sir Walter Raleigh, "Life" -- Justin Falk
5, Percy Shelley, "Ozymandias" Chase Jones

October 29, 2009
1, Pablo Neruda, Sidney Edwards (poem to come)
2, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, "How do I love thee?" Courtney Mathis
3, Robert Browning, "Pophyria's Lover" -- Morgan Mann
4, Maya Angelou, "Touched by an Angel," --Clara Penn

November 3, 2009
1, Allen Ginsberg, "A Supermarket in California" Jo Hoyle
2, Ginsberg, "Howl" - Summer Irvin
3, Sylvia Plath, "Daddy," Whitney Hall
4, Nikki Giovanni, "Ego tripping" -- Gina Thomas

November 5, 2009
1, Francisco HErnandez, "Bajo Cero" - Bianca Balderman
2, The Beatles, "Happiness is a warm gun," --Ali Edge
3, ALter Start, "New Start," --Seth HOlloway
4, Elliot Smith, "Farwell," ?